Slip & Fall

Slip & Fall Accidents:

A slip and fall injury claim, also known as a premises liability claim, can be made when a person is injured on another person’s property as a result of a dangerous or hazardous condition.  Property owners and businesses are required by law to maintain a safe property that is “reasonably” free from hazards that could cause injury to another person.  If a hazard does exist, and the property owner has been unable to make the necessary repairs, then the law requires that the owner or proprietor warn all visitors to their property of that hazard.  However, a property owner is not liable simply because the accident occurred on their property.  For a property owner to be found negligent in a premises liability claim, the injured party must show negligence in one of the following ways.  The injured party must prove that the condition of the property was dangerous, or that the property owner knew, or should have known, about the hazard and had a reasonable opportunity to correct or warn of the hazard.  If the property owner knew of the hazard and did not warn of the condition in a way that was reasonably obvious to the injured party, then the property owner may also be found negligent.  Because premises liability cases can sometimes be tricky, it is a good idea to consult with an attorney.  Call the Law Offices of Zev  Weinstein for a free, no-obligation consultation to see if you have a case.